Historic Victoria Advertisements
Real Estate – 1940-1949
As part of our series on Historic Victoria Advertisements, Real Estate, here is a December 1945 advertisement for 150 new rental houses being built in the area of Scott Street. These homes were financed by the Government of Canada (referred to in the advertisement as the “Dominion Government”) and built by the contracting firm of Victoria Housing Limited. Note the monthly rental of $25.
The first of these new homes to be built was at 2318 Scott Street and this house was used as a show home for prospective renters.

December 1945 advertisement for new house rentals. Show home at 2813 Scott Street.
2813 Scott Street is still standing among a neighbourhood of similar homes likely built as part of the same federal government program.
Here is a map showing the location of 2812 Scott Street:
We will add a photograph of 2813 Scott Street in the near future.
2813 Scott Street currently has an assessed value of $743,000 with buildings assessed at $111,00 and the land at $632,000.
The BC Assessment Corporation says it was built in 1947. The above advertisement suggests otherwise.
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